26th February 2020

Dear Parents,

I hope this letter continues to find your family safe and well. To ensure regular communication with our parents, we are pleased to update you on any developments during this school closure period.

  • Self-Quarantine for returning students

Authority regulations now require all students returning to Shanghai, to undergo a fourteen-day self-quarantine period, similar to school staff, before they return to school. Parents making arrangements to return to Shanghai should plan for a fourteen-day home self-quarantine period for their child before they allow them to attend school. Children will not be allowed to return to school until they have spent 14 days in Shanghai in good health.

We request that all returning parents to Shanghai contact my PA, Ms. Moon Ji, who will collect the necessary data that is required by the authorities for your child’s return to school. Without this data, we will be unable to allow your child to enter the school premises when we re-open. Ms. Moon will send to all parents, in the next few days, a list of the data that should be submitted.

  • School Re-Opening Time

The position regarding re-opening time remains unchanged until we receive notification from the local authorities. Currently, we will not re-open before 16th March. We commit to parents that we will re-open the school for class learning as soon as we are allowed to by the local authority. We are currently looking at a review of the teaching day to ensure a smooth and safe start to the resumption of normal school activities. Your child’s and our staff’s safety and health will be our priority.

We are aware of the speculation and unofficial communications taking place within the city regarding possible opening dates. We advise parents to remain patient until the local authorities release their official notification.

  • Moving Forward

The school will continue to adapt its response plans to any changing situation in Shanghai and keep all parents informed of any changes.

We continue to send our best wishes to all our Britannica community.

David Goodwin
