With the announcement from the government that all year groups will be able to return to schools on 2nd June, it has been all go here in EYFS as we prepare for the return of our students. Staff are busy preparing classrooms and planning curriculums so all students in and outside of school can engage in learning.
The whole EYFS team are cannot wait to have our young learners back and look forward to seeing them in person on 2nd June. In the coming week information in regard to the phase re-opening will be communicated to parents from the school.
In the run-up to your child starting back at school support them by getting them back into a daily routine and supporting their independence in doing simple, age-appropriate task by themselves. These include washing their hands, putting on their shoes and managing their own food at lunchtimes.
We look forward to greeting all students who are in Shanghai on 2nd June.
Isla Gillespie
Head of Early Years