It was wonderful to see so many parents in class this week, we hope that you enjoyed the opportunity to share the learning of your child. In EYFS this week children have had lots of fun whilst taking part in World Nursey Rhyme Week. They sang many rhymes to support their development in spoken English and it was wonderful to see the enthusiasm of the children as they performed to another class this morning. Below is more information of what each class learnt during the week.
Our focus in Pre – Nursery this week was the sense of touch through a book called, ‘I don’t want to wash my hands’. The children have explored different textures including squishy, slimy and messy fun. In art we have used our fingers to paint onto handprints, while in the mark making area, we explored the wonderful texture of cornflour and glitter.
From all this messy play the children have been learning about the importance of washing their hands using our story of the week. They have learnt about germs and how to stay healthy through continuously washing their hands after messy play and sequenced how to wash their hands. The children also enjoyed singing along to lots of rhymes!
Nursery had lots of fun as they went into the jungle this week. During the week we sang a selection of rhymes but our main focus was the rhyme, ‘Down in the Jungle.’ The children were very creative whilst inventing their own actions to accompany the rhymes and made some very lifelike animal sounds! We developed our fine motor skills when helping the animals to hang their clothes and enjoyed counting how many monkeys were in the tree.
Nursery also read the story about Elmer the Elephant and talked about how she was different to the other elephants, we talked about how we are all special and unique. The children talked about the different emotions that Elmer had during the story and recreated these using natural materials.
This week we learnt the Nursery Rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’. We had so much fun learning this, creating our own actions and performing it to other classes.
We have also continued our topic “Food Glorious Food!” and have focused on learning about the different food groups and what is healthy and unhealthy food. We enjoyed our sorting food activity.
In our Phonics lessons we are continuing to blend and practice all the sounds and tricky words we have learnt so far and use our knowledge to make CVC and CVCC words. We have introduced the sounds ‘e’ and ‘u’ and participated in various activities, such as making an egg and umbrella crafts. We also learnt the tricky word ‘to’ and made our own ‘I go to the……’ sentences.
Addition was the main focus in Maths this week. We introduced the children to Numicon which we used to help complete basic sums. We also completed different activities about the plus sign, such as; painting it, making it with playdough and talking about what it means, as well as practicing making our own addition number sentences.