We have all been very busy in Early Years this week. It has been lovely to see the enthusiasm of all of the children towards their learning and to see the friendships that have been formed during the first part of the academic year. This week all of the children have particularly enjoyed being able to learn inside the classroom and outside in our wonderful outdoor learning environments.

Pre Nursery
In Pre-Nursery we have been consolidating the children’s learning of animal names as we re-read the story and identified the colours of each animal, supporting children to put together two words to say what they can see, for example, ‘Blue Horse’. During our activities this week we have been encouraging the children to name the colours that they see, such as ‘brown, red, green and yellow’ and working on matching coloured objects to the correct coloured splat. The children have had the opportunity to explore colour in a variety of ways. They have been sorting coloured objects, exploring colour using our light box and torches and getting to know different media such as paint and collage.

What a fantastic week we have had in Nursery!
As part of our, 'People Who Help Us' topic the children have been learning all about firefighters. We learnt a song about five little firefighters and have used actions to beautifully sing the song. The children have enjoyed creating their own fire crafts and developed their number recognition when saving the numbers from the fire! In our Communication and Language, we have been calling for help and talking about the information that we would need to give to the emergency services; Nursery also acted out being brave firefighters themselves! The children also enjoyed spending time developing their skills in using tricycles and scooters.


Letters ‘i’ and ‘n’ were the main focus in our Phonics lessons this week, with the children continuing to impress us as they showcase their listening skills, writing and vocabulary. We even managed to blend sounds together to make words. We were very active in our Maths lessons this week; learning about adding 1 more than a given number. We had a dance party, played ‘1 more tennis’ and also took our learning outside where we rolled a dice and threw beanbags of 1 more than the number into a hoop. In our Topic lessons, we continued learning about the world around us and begun to delve deeper into planets. We used our creative skills to make our own amazing planet pictures using food colouring and shaving cream. We had so much fun!