Sustainability has been our focus across the school this week and what better way to celebrate our learning and importance of reusing waste than by having our very Trashion Show! All students worked collaboratively in their classes to create their wonderfully imaginative outfits made from rubbish. It was a real pleasure to see the enjoyment on everyone’s faces as we were wowed by the fantastic final designs.
Year 4 have also been busy designing this week, but in a different way to fashion… They took a look at how much food we waste at school and then learnt about composting. This inspired students to design an area in the school that we could designate to help reuse our waste. These designs will be presented to Student Council and I look forward to seeing how we can put these designs into action.
Also, yesterday, Thursday, was World Wildlife Day and the students learnt about the need to save endangered species and how to help restore the various habitats and ecosystems that they need to live in. Meanwhile, Year 2 have been exploring the story of ‘The Tin Forest’ which highlights the importance of sustainability and Year 3 have been busy testing the friction levels of different waste materials such as bubble wrap, tissues and border paper.