It has been a pleasure to walk around the Early Years classes this week. The children are settling in beautifully and are already fully engaged in their school life. Classrooms are alive with the sounds of singing, storytelling, and vibrant interactions among friends, as well as between teachers and children.

Communication skills are essential for a child's overall development. They enable children to express their thoughts and feelings while playing a vital role in their social interactions and learning. Strong language skills lay the groundwork for literacy and academic success in the future.

At Britannica, we focus on nurturing children’s communication and language development through a rich language environment. This includes encouraging listening and speaking through storytelling, singing, and meaningful conversations. Our activities are thoughtfully designed to promote language use, from role play to group discussions, allowing children to articulate their thoughts and connect with their peers. We make it a priority to listen to each child, helping them expand their vocabulary and express themselves more clearly. Every bit of progress is celebrated.

Pre-Nursery children are becoming more settled in their daily routines and have been enjoying a variety of nursery rhymes such as “The Wheels on the Bus”, “1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a Fish Alive”, “Incy Wincy Spider” and “Twinkl Twinkl Little Star”. We’ve been exploring different emotions, using facial expressions to convey how we feel while engaging with various feelings books.

This week has been a positive one for Nursery, with all the children arriving with confidence. After reading “How to Catch a Star”, they came up with their own ideas for catching stars and creatively painted and decorated their own. As they grow more familiar with their routines, the children have enjoyed meeting their specialist teachers and exploring the different areas of the class.

This week in Reception, we engaged the children in both indoor and outdoor learning experiences as they continued to settle into their routines. We read "The Colour Monster" and labeled our emotions, which is an important skill for helping children understand and manage their behaviors. Additionally, we explored several other stories that introduced themes like sharing, bravery, and good manners. Through these stories and other sound games, the children are continuing to develop phonological awareness, by listening out for individual sounds in words and linking rhyming words. This skill is foundational for successfully learning and applying phonemes (letter sounds).