It has been an incredibly positive and rewarding first full week in Primary as the children have really settled into school life and are enthusiastically participating in lessons.

Year 1 have been busy tackling teen numbers and estimating more than or less than 10 objects. In geography the children have been looking at our school and came up with lots of fantastic questions about our school which they would like to find out. Year 2 have been exploring their new Traditional Tales and Fables topic in English with an introduction to scorpions and frogs to get their imagination flowing! In Art, the children have begun developing their observational drawing skills and created some wonderfully detailed pencil drawings of peppers.

Our Year 3 children have made a wonderful start to the new year and to Key Stage Two – it is brilliant to see excited and happy they are about coming to school. They have been really engaged with their learning and are eager to work together and help each other. Year 4 have also had a great start to this academic year; they started Science off pretending to be particles for solids, liquids and gases in science and in Maths the students have been exploring place value to 4 digit numbers.

Year 5 have been demonstrating how very keen they are to learn more; in English they have started by focusing on sentence level skills, looking at the structure of a sentence and fronted adverbials. Whilst in Maths they have been covering lots of mental maths skills, looking at place value, doubling and rounding. Year 6 have also been working diligently - reading examples of famous biographies, identifying the key features and creating timelines for these biographies, followed by timelines of their own lives.

We also had our first Key Stage One assembly on Thursday morning and it was a pleasure to see how well the children behaved, listened and joined in. We have also welcomed many parents after school this week to meet their child’s class teacher. I do hope that you found the meetings and presentations useful. We look forward to parents joining us over the next two weeks and across the year for our various workshops and presentations to help you better understand about your child’s education.

Katherine Mustoe

Vice-Principal and Head of Primary