EYFS have entered the exciting world of E-Learning this week using our students online learning journals with Tapestry. Our students have been engaging with their learning from all around the world through this online tool. It has been fantastic to see students participating in exciting video tutorials, video PowerPoints and many more activities set by all teachers.
Our daily phonics lessons have continued in Reception ensuring the students are developing their reading, writing and oral skills in English, while consolidating their previous knowledge. In topic related activities Reception have been answering a research question posed about fossils and looking at creating their own dinosaur.
In Nursery the children have used story PowerPoints to look at the traditional tale of ‘The Ugly Duckling’ talking about how the duck changes, sequencing the story and thinking about how stories are constructed. I do know that someone went on a hunt for a duck in their local area!
Down on the farm in Pre-Nursery there has been lots of interactive E-Learning fun following videos of counting eggs with Miss Gillespie and even following Miss Amy’s video instructions with actions on how to make scrambled eggs.
Not only have we had our EYFS topics to concentrate on this week, our fabulous PE department have set the ‘stay fit’ challenge. Through the 60 minute a day challenge (important recommended active time) EYFS students have been strengthening their body through action movements, just dancing, creating body shapes and stretching using our yoga videos. Keep up the fitness everyone, the PE department look forward to seeing what you can do.
The whole EYFS team would like to thank all our parents for the support, engagement and enthusiasm with our E-learning to ensure all your children can continue to develop and progress over the next few weeks. Please do continue to upload photos and videos of your child’s learning to Tapestry so we can feedback and see our students in E-Learning action.
Do take a look at some photos of our E-Learning fun below.
We wish you all a wonderful weekend from all around the world.
Isla Gillespie
Head of Early Years