Even though the Secondary students have had their end of year exams, we have still enjoyed some notable events this week. Our Year 11 students turned teacher helpers for a day and assisted the younger Primary students with their reading. It is never easy to leave our comfort zones, however, they showed resilience and made the transition from students to teachers. The feedback was incredibly positive, and they were a credit to themselves and to the Secondary school. Contributing to the school community is an important aspect of school life and I have been continually impressed with our students' efforts this year. Cross school collaboration is a great way to strengthen ties amongst our students and I hope to build on this promising start.
On Thursday evening our Year 7-10 students had a chance to celebrate the end of the year with the Secondary Ball. A big thanks to Mr M O'Brien and Miss Inna for all their efforts to organize a memorable event. Entertainment was provided and students from both the Secondary and Primary school showcased their musical and dancing talents. A big thanks to Mr Troy and OC from Year 12 for making the arrangements. Our Secondary students have one last chance to perform in the Awards Assembly next Thursday.
Head of Secondary
Anthony O'Brien