Even though we are coming close to the end of this academic year, the fun, the learning and the exciting events have continued - it has been another week full of different activities taking place!
This week all Primary children have enjoyed competing in the swimming galas and demonstrating their incredible swimming skills and stamina, Year 3 and Year 6 parents have attended workshops with their children, we have held House assemblies and Achievement assemblies and finally enjoyed a fantastic afternoon today celebrating our Summer Fair together!
On Tuesday morning, Year 3 parents attended a Wellness workshop in which the children explained what mindfulness meant to them and demonstrated how they practice mindfulness. Parents and children completed some mindfulness doodling and colouring and then turned their designs into a ‘worry box’ so they could open up conversations together to express emotions in a mindful way.
Year 6 parents also came to school on Thursday morning and enjoyed learning about haikus and even writing their own with their child.
Year 1 have been using their imaginations to continue writing the middle part of their fairy tale in English and are looking forward to finishing these next week. They have also consolidated their learning about addition and subtraction by undertaking more Maths investigations.
Year 2 have also been improving their problem-solving capabilities in Maths as well as exploring natural and man-made features of a seaside in St Ives in Topic lessons.
Year 3 Topic lessons have involved the students using clay to design a bell beaker in the style of the Bronze Age people called the Beaker People. Whilst Year 4, have been learning about rewilding and reforestation and have investigated why rewilding is a complex concept and explored China’s successful reforestation project.
Year 5 have been continuing their work on biographies in English; reading, exploring and understanding the different features. Whilst in Maths, they have been adding and subtracting using decimals and multiplying large numbers.
Lastly, Year 6’s have completed their newspaper front pages as wartime correspondents in a project collaboration between History and ICT. More information will be shared separately about this innovative project.
Lastly, thank you to all who came and supported this afternoon’s Summer Fair it was a wonderful event and we are very grateful for your support.
Katherine Mustoe
Vice-Principal and Head of Primary