With the unfortunate events of school closures it is very important to remember that physical activity is an important part of the online school day because it can help students stay mentally focused and concentrated on their online learning. When it comes to being active at home, the key is finding activities students and family members can enjoy doing together. Staying active during these times is very important as it has both physical and mental benefits. It can help improve students fitness levels, make them stronger and helps them take back control their lives as well as help reduce symptoms of both anxiety and stress.

Now, since moving onto online learning, one of the key areas I have been most impressed with by our Secondary cohort is their passion and determination to stay active throughout these difficult times. Every single student has shown great energy and enthusiasm to push through their online HIIT workouts with their PE teachers in order to keep fit and stay active whilst at home.What’s more, I’m very pleased to see that our Secondary cohort have been gaining and developing important knowledge and information on the different ways they can stay active whilst at home. The confidence I have seen from all of our Secondary students surrounding our online learning has been impressive especially with it being in just a short amount of time and I couldn’t be prouder. Although I would love to see the students back in school, it is nice to see many of the Secondary cohort keeping active with me and the PE department as well as in their spare time as many students are telling me they are still able to take part in a variety of community team activities and games as well as go on walks, runs and even bike rides with their family members and friends.

Overall, it’s been the best possible start to online learning I could have asked for in regards to staying active and I look forward to seeing what further progress the students make with their health and fitness levels as the days continue. Excellent work Secondary and keep on staying ACTIVE!