It has been a pleasure to welcome back all our EYFS students this week along with some new students who have joined the phase. It was wonderful to see how excited all the children were to be back at school.
This half term each year group has an exciting new topic to explore that develops creativity, imagination, and language development. Pre-Nursery will be focusing on ‘Nursery Rhymes, Nursery will look at the wonderful world of ‘Traditional Tales’ and Reception will be going back in time as they explore the amazing ‘Dinosaurs.’
Please continue to read on to see what each year group have been up to.
This week we have had a new friend in class who happens to be a friendly spider ‘Incy Wincy Spider’. We have been getting to know the rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ through following actions and joining in with the song. Pre-Nursey looked at where spiders live and had a fun hunt around the school to find some of these 8-legged creepy crawlers. We also talked about how spiders make us feel and if we like spiders. On top of all this spider fun, Pre-Nursery has had lots of opportunities to be creative using paint to create a spider picture, learn about drizzling glue and sprinkling glitter to create a web, and strengthening our fine motor skills through play dough spider creations.
Nursery had so much fun this week as we delved into our new topic. The children retold parts of our traditional tale, ‘The Three Little Pigs,’ enjoying using the repeated language and experimenting with their voices to act as the different characters. The children identified characters and events that took place and cleverly used pictures to sequence and create a story map using their great cutting and pasting skills.
We listened to sounds we could hear in the words of our story and sang along to songs using our special sounds. Nursery enjoyed mixing red and white paint to experiment with making pink paint and make our very own pigs!
In Maths, Nursery helped the pigs to count out bricks to build their houses and made a trail using a repeated pattern to help the pigs to find their way home! We have also identified a new shape: a rectangle, learning how many sides it has and enjoyed completing shape patterns on the Interactive White Board.
We started out the new Spring term with our new topic, Dinosaurs, which the children absolutely love! We talked about different kinds of Dinosaurs, their characteristics and whether they were herbivores or carnivores. We also talked about how Dinosaurs laid eggs and what happens in the lifecycle of an egg.
In Phonics this week we have been revising all of the letter sounds we learnt, blending them together to form words. The children have been reading short sentences and attempted writing their own as well. We discussed what they did over their holidays and encouraged them to write words describing their experience.
In Maths this week, we have introduced the children to money. We have looked at what money is, what it looks like in different countries, how we get or make money and what it is used for. We looked at the British Pound currency, specifically the coins and played games to understand their value and how to add them up in order to buy something.