This week our assemblies have focused on our second school value; Respect. We have considered what respect is, as well as how and who we can show respect to. Students were able to consider ways we can be respectful at school and also outside of school people and even how to show respect to themselves. Please do speak to your child about these values to further reinforce the importance of them and how they help us to make the right choices. Today was also the first celebratory Star of the Week breakfast for this academic year; a great way to celebrate the children’s achievements and encourage others to strive ambitiously to work hard.
Also, this week, across the school the students have been working hard across all manner of subjects and particularly focusing on their English skills. Year 2 have been exploring a range of adjectives and nouns to describe the characters and settings found within the story they have been reading and then upgrading these to more advanced vocabulary! Year 3 have been identifying prepositions and Year 4 have been using expanded noun phrases, interesting adjectives and different adverbials to describe and write about various dragons. Whilst Year 5 have been exploring issues and dilemmas, discussing and reflecting with maturity and thoughtfulness about a range of complex issues. They have also been writing some wonderfully creative descriptive sentences with different grammatical features.