It’s been another busy week for the EYFS children. Pre-Nursery travelled to the moon in a rocket, Nursery went on a trip to the ocean and learnt about different sea creatures and Reception learnt about plants and animal habitats through researching their favourite one. It has been wonderful to see the children dress up as what they want to be when they grow up in our EYFS challenge this week.
This week Pre-Nursery continued learning about transport that flies as we zoomed off to Space in rockets! Using the story ‘Whatever Next!’ by Jill Murphy, Pre-Nursery learnt about rockets and where they go. They built their imaginations as we role-play being the Baby Bear in the book, who flies to the moon in a pretend rocket to have a picnic.
We choose items to pack in our bag to take to the moon and developed our understanding of mark-making through making pictorial shopping lists. We learnt how astronauts move on the moon through our gross motor exploration. We finished the week mathematically with the counting rhyme ‘5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer’.
This week Nursery took a trip out to the ocean. The children dived deep into the blue sea and found out about some super sea creatures. We also looked at a shipwreck on the sea floor in one of our stories, which lead us onto exploring objects that sink or float.
Next week is our last week and our adventures will come to an end. We have time for one last bit of summer adventure fun, what and where will Nursery discover next?
This week we continued our topic, ‘Green Fingers’ and talked about habitats, both plant and animal habitats. The children chose their favourite habitat and completed their own research to find out 2 animals that live there. They also really enjoyed being little scientists and making rain clouds. In PSHE, we read the story ‘Be Brave Little Penguin’ and talked about ways that we have been brave in preparation for our big move to Year 1.
In Phonics this week we learnt the sounds ‘ea’ and ‘oa’ and new vocabulary with these sounds. We reviewed the Phase 3 tricky words and played ‘Tricky Word Trucks’ to reinforce their knowledge. The children enjoyed the quick write game, and we were very impressed with their memory of tricky words.
In Maths, we looked at British money, in particular, coins. We talked about the colour, size, and shape of the coins, what they are called and the value they represent. We enjoyed playing Education City and Top Marks games and going to our class toy shop.
As we enter our final week in Reception, we could not be prouder of the children and thank you for your continuous support and encouragement this year.

This week, our Key Stage Two students received letters from our sister school Oryx International School in Doha, Qatar. We had written some letters a few months ago and patiently waited for the replies and so it was with great joy to read about school and life in general in Doha. We intend to write more letters back and continue building our pen pal friendships next year too!
We also continued to enjoy more talents from across Primary in our assemblies this week, including skateboard tricks, violinists, singing, golf and more magic! We are all extremely proud of how the children have been engaging and completing their work and we look forward to acknowledging their hard work and achievements by celebrating with some fun activities and games next Friday. Today also marked our last Student Council meeting of the academic year and I would like to extend a big well done to our representatives who have attended these extra meetings with such enthusiasm and wonderful ideas.

As the summer term draws to a close and we reach the end of another school year, on behalf of the PE department I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all of our secondary students this year. Throughout the year we have seen our secondary students master the swimming pool, conquer the athletics track, develop their team working skills in games such as ultimate frisbee and basketball as well as develop their skills and techniques further in both badminton and tennis. Let’s not forget the countless PE house competitions the students also took part in.
It truly was a fun filled and jam packed year to say the least and although we began and finished the summer term through E-Learning, the students once again made us proud as they completed many of the online workouts with their PE teachers. It was amazing to see so many of our secondary students keeping active over the lockdown period both with their PE teachers and in their spare time and it was because of this energy and enthusiasm shown by our secondary students that they managed to stay fit, healthy and active. With this being said, all’s I have left to say is, it has been an absolute pleasure to teach all of the secondary students this year and I’m certain they will carry this same energy and enthusiasm they have of PE through into their new school years and continue to make Britannica proud as high level sports students.