It was delightful to observe the children playing and exploring the outdoors this week, learning about the world around them. Outdoor play offers unique opportunities for children to discover new things and develop critical thinking skills. As we embrace the warmer weather, we kindly remind you to ensure children come to school with sun hats and sun protection.

In class this week, Pre-Nursery have continued to focus on minibeasts and developed their understanding of lifecycles. The children had a wonderful time today exploring with Nursery on their class field trip.

Nursery read the story 'Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell' - a tale about a slug who wishes to be a snail. Nursery thoroughly enjoyed brainstorming all the different circular objects a slug could use as a shell, coming up with very creative ideas. Nursery were captivated by the diverse sizes and appearances of snails' shells and created artwork to represent them. In Maths, Nursery worked on number formation by copying and tracing numbers. They have used the Interactive Whiteboard to make large, whole-body movements, as well as paint and pens to practice fine motor skills.

Reception have continued to develop their knowledge of letters and sounds, applying this in various ways, such as making lists in the Home Corner and writing letters to their friends. In Maths, we have been enhancing our understanding of telling time and applying this to real-life problems.

We look forward to next week when the children will participate in our Summer Splash and Pyjama Party, which will provide the children an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the world and diverse cultures, while engaging in enjoyable, enriching activities.