This week, while most of the school were away on a residential trip, Early Years enjoyed partaking in their own engaging activities.

On Tuesday, the children took part in a ‘Summer Splash’ event. Dressed in their summer attire, they enjoyed using the paddling pools and playing cooperatively with friends at the Coconut Shy! This exploratory, social play allowed them to develop their physical skills, particularly their underarm throwing technique, as they practiced important motor abilities while also nurturing interpersonal interactions.

Later in the week, we held a Pyjama Party. In preparation, the Reception children worked collaboratively to prepare healthy, tasty guacamole and fruit cups, demonstrating their growing independence and self-care skills. After enjoying the party treats, the children watched the story of ‘The Snail and the Whale’ in the theatre with their friends. This shared literacy experience not only exposed them to high-quality literature but also encouraged language development and imagination.

Yesterday the children engaged in a design and construction project, working to create a school Minibeast Hotel in the Eco Garden. This open-ended, creative task allowed them to apply problem-solving skills and take pride in their unique creation.

Throughout these diverse learning experiences, the children were able to explore, experiment and express themselves in engaging and meaningful ways throughout the week.