Last week, we hosted Mental Health Awareness Week at Britannica. Globally, this is celebrated to bring people together to focus on getting good mental health. Each May, millions of people from every part of society take part. They include people in schools and further education; private, public and charity sectors; families and individuals. This year, the theme of the week was 'Movement: moving more for our mental health'.

As part of our school initiative, students across all phases of the school took part in lots of different activities. The week started with a Non-Uniform Day for students, with their teachers wearing students’ uniforms to honour Children’s Day, celebrated on Sunday 12th of May. Throughout the week, children also took part in different activities and lessons with the aim of learning about the benefits of physical exercise on happiness. Some of our students also attended some bespoke sessions with some experts in the field of Psychology.

Our Sports Days and Walk Around the Wall house competition got us all moving all week long, which was perfect for this year’s theme: movement. I hope you enjoyed seeing our children deploy their best athletic skills and taking part in our daily walk counts. As a community, we managed to walk a total of 11,280,076 steps, the equivalent of three times the distance of the Great Wall of China! Thank you all, once again, for your support with this, and congratulations to Yellow Tigers!