‘Friends of Britannica’ is a parent-led group supported by the school. ‘Friends of Britannica’ recognise the vital role that parents play in supporting their children’s learning. The basic principle of ‘Friends of Britannica’ is the desire to enrich children learning experience across the whole school. These parents are actively involved in event planning and organisation across the whole school and informing parent views and suggestions. Every parent is welcome to participate.

To get in contact with the group, please contact the Principal's PA.

Getting Involved

Coffee Mornings

We hold a Coffee Morning on the first Friday of every month. Parents are invited to join the Principal and the FoB to discuss and learn more about specific school topics, activities, and initiatives. These can be anything from sports to online safety. It's a great way to learn more about what's going on at school and to have your say on the topics that matter to you.

Parent Focus Groups

Parents are invited to meet with the Senior Leadership Team termly and represent the parent voice within the school. The meetings are chaired by school’s Principal and any parent who is interested in the particular topic is welcome to join. The main purpose of the groups is to provide constructive feedback to the school while acting as a ‘sounding board’ for future decisions on school policy. Although school policies are not decided in these meetings, discussions are considered and parents are consulted and listened to so that the school has a range of views and feedback before making any policy decisions.


Britannica has a duty of care in respect of pupils in its charge during school hours and, as such, has taken reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all pupils. Parents are expected to provide supervision for EYFS children on school premises before or after normal school hours if they arrange their own transportation.