Dear Parents,

After a successful week back in school for some of our Secondary students, we are now pleased to be opening our doors to Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6 in our Primary classes on Monday, 18th May. The education authority will be reviewing the opening times for younger year groups soon.

For students who have been in Shanghai for the previous fourteen-days, are healthy, and from whom we have received a health declaration form, they will be allowed to return to school.

From 18th May, a reduced school bus provision will operate for those students paid to use our bus service. Ms. Katrina Zhang will be contacting those parents this week to communicate new pick-up and drop-off times and locations.

Students will be health checked by our bus monitors, before boarding buses and will need to show them their Green health QR code, if they are Chinese nationals, or a photocopy of their parent’s Green health QR code, if they have a foreign passport.

Students will be further health checked on arrival at school.

Parents who have private arrangements for bringing and collecting their children must arrive between 8:00 am, and 8:20 am. Students will not be allowed on-site before 8:00 am. Late arrivals will be challenging for us to accommodate with the necessary health checks.

The end of the school day will be 4:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and 3:00 pm on Wednesday. Parents must collect their children within fifteen minutes of school finishing.

Parents will not be allowed on-site at any time of the school day.

If parents wish to talk to staff, then we kindly request they either use email or arrange a phone time.

After in-school teaching begins, our teachers will be very busy providing a mix of both e-learning and classroom teaching. Students who remain unable to attend school will still have access to e-learning, which will reflect what students are learning in class. Any concern or questions about the learning received should always be directed first to your child’s class teacher. Parents who have concerns or questions that then remain unresolved should contact Ms. Katherine Mustoe or me.

The school has stringent in-school health and safety regulations in place that minimise movement of students around the school and within their classrooms to prevent cross-infection possibilities. Student health will be monitored closely throughout the day, and any child suspected as being unwell will be isolated immediately, and their parents informed.

For the week beginning 18th May, we ask that parents provide their child in the morning, with a home-prepared lunch and healthy morning snack, that should be nutritious, easy to eat, and does not require heating. Students will eat lunch in their classroom, with strict hygiene precautions in place. Food should not be delivered to the school or bought into the school by parents, at a later time.

Students are currently required to wear face masks in lessons and around the school, and parents should provide these. A personal hygiene kit will be provided by the school for each student on their first day of arrival, for their use in class as well as a personal stationery pack to avoid sharing.

All primary lessons will take place in your child’s form room, to avoid movement around the school. Your child will have a set seat in their form room, in which they will remain for all lessons.

On days that students have sport, they should attend school in their PE kit, as the changing rooms and showers will not be available.

Your child's class teacher will provide for you, on their first day of arrival, a teaching timetable. This timetable will show you how we have adapted the teaching day to ensure students rapidly catch-up on any missed core learning objectives for this academic year.

We look forward to seeing Years 4 to 6 in school next week.

Kind regards,

David Goodwin (Principal)


Katherine Mustoe (Head of Primary)