The Spring term certainly was a busy time at Britannica. I would liken it to HIIT activities, that is high intensity, intervals. We started off celebrating Chinese New Year. Both the students and the Mandarin department worked incredible hard to deliver some fantastic performances in such a short time. After that, we had Maths week, Book week, open house, trips, parent meetings and a board visit from Mr Michael Clack. As I write this article the Spring reports are being emailed home. The end of term reporting is a key aspect of our home communication process. They are designed to give you an overview of progress as well as a student's strengths and weaknesses. Please do take the time to read the report and discuss it with your child.
Like most Secondary schools, the Summer term tends to be the 'business' end of the year. This is when our external IGCSE and A Level examinations take place. We have a second Mock week planned immediately after the holiday for the Y11-13 students. This will be another push before our students sit their actual papers in May and June. I have seen a noticeable change in them lately. There is a heighten sense of focus as they make their final preparations. As always we wish them well in their endeavours.
The Summer term is not only about examinations. We must also make time for other areas of the curriculum. It is my fervent hope that we finally get to run the residential trips this year. These types of activities are a vital aspect for a holistic education and have been missing from school life for too long. They are proven to have a positive effect on children's self-esteem and confidence levels which in turn improves their emotional health and wellbeing. This is why we encourage all students to attend. As a reminder we have a residential information evening on Thursday 13th April, in the Theatre at 3.15pm.
I wish you all a restful holiday and look forward to seeing you next term.