At Britannica, we consider Student Leadership to be a very important component of students’ growth and development, as it helps children develop invaluable skills which will ultimately enhance their academic progress and prepare them for a bright future. Confidence, decision-making, independence, organisation, initiative, teamwork, time management, resilience, responsibility and self-awareness are some of the very important skills that students can gain from taking on a leadership role. These attributes play an important role on academic progress.

In order to ensure that students voices are heard, and that their opinions are accounted for, at Britannica we have a large number of opportunities for students to take part in, ensure that they can have a real and positive impact on our school environment, and they can participate meaningfully in their community. These roles also help students create a sense of belonging to our school, which positively impacts their well-being and happiness, key factors for academic excellence and achievements.

Head Students, who act as representatives of the whole student body, and ambassadors of the school. This is an important role which prepares older students for university success and future world of work.

Prefects, who act as representatives of different student groups throughout the phase, acting as a liaison between these groups and our staff. This is also a key role which is offered to our most senior students in view of their university applications and success in the near future.

Form Representatives, who act on behalf of their form groups, to ensure their needs and concerns are heard in a mature way

House Captains, who coordinate the students in their house to ensure they have a positive experience in school, and promote values such as collaboration, healthy competition, enthusiasm and resilience.

News Council, who act as academic liaison between staff and students, ensuring that academic matters and deadlines are known by all.

Student Council, whose members have different roles that cover all areas of the school life, from academic to extracurricular affairs or nutrition, and us ensure students are happy and safe.

Student Librarians, who act as Literacy ambassadors to ensure all students make the most of their language skills and their time at the school.