As we conclude our first full week back at school, I would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to all of our students on behalf of the Secondary staff. They have made a fantastic start to the new school year, and their enthusiasm, coupled with exemplary behaviour, has been a joy to witness. It truly highlights how much we value having them back on campus. The beginning of any new school year is always fast-paced, with plenty of new information to absorb. Once again, I am amazed by our students' remarkable ability to adapt to all situations.

I would also like to congratulate our IGCSE and A Level students on their outstanding examination results. For the past five years, our Year 13 students have graduated from Britannica and gone on to attend the universities of their choosing. I am pleased to announce that this year is no exception. Heading off to university is a massive adventure, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours. We hope they will come back to visit us and share their experiences.

A special thank you to those parents who attended the Meet the Teacher event. Form Tutors play an incredibly important role in the lives of our students, and it is essential that you have the opportunity to connect with them. If you were unable to attend, rest assured that there will be opportunities throughout the year to meet them.