This week Britannica has been celebrating Maths Week.
The international theme of this week has been Arts and Crafts, so the whole school has been designing their very own ‘Shangpi Skylines’ which has resulted in some very inventive and artistic cityscapes. These will be judged next week – so please encourage your children as they finish them over the weekend for the competition.
Here is a beautiful example of the Shangpi Skyline Project:

Secondary had their annual inter-house Mathematics competition consisting of 4 rounds. This year was the closest it has ever been, with Green Dragons winning by only 1 point ahead of Blue Lions. This competition consisted of 4 exciting rounds: Crossnumber, where teams split into pairs, one pair having the down clues, the other having the across clues, the pairs only allowed to communicate via an answer sheet. Group round, where all 4 of the team work together to solve 10 difficult questions. Relay round where the students answer individually and have to run to give their answers in before collecting the question for the next member of their team and Shuttle round, where they work in pairs on a question and their answer directly impacts the next pairs question. The selected students had a great time representing their houses!
Secondary had their annual inter-house Mathematics competition consisting of 4 rounds. This year was the closest it has ever been, with Green Dragons winning by only 1 point ahead of Blue Lions. This competition consisted of 4 exciting rounds: Crossnumber, where teams split into pairs, one pair having the down clues, the other having the across clues, the pairs only allowed to communicate via an answer sheet. Group round, where all 4 of the team work together to solve 10 difficult questions. Relay round where the students answer individually and have to run to give their answers in before collecting the question for the next member of their team and Shuttle round, where they work in pairs on a question and their answer directly impacts the next pairs question. The selected students had a great time representing their houses!