Year 2 is an important stage in the National Curriculum, where students expand their knowledge and skills gained in Year 1 while preparing for the more demanding challenges of Key Stage 2. This year is significant for fostering independence, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the curriculum. The balanced approach integrates English and Mathematics with engaging topics in Science, History, Geography, and the Arts, promoting a holistic educational experience.
This year the students will develop their descriptive writing skills by developing their knowledge of expanded noun phrases, as well as solidifying their grasp on key grammatical concepts. In conjunction with their enhanced descriptive skills, the students have been following the Talk for Writing approach when innovating fabulous fables and traditional tales, including the Tortoise and the Hare! We are thoroughly anticipating some amazing pieces upon concluding our Tin Forest adaptations this week. Students will also have some amazing opportunities to write in other formats including non-chronological reports, instructions and letters, which will prepare them for any and all-future tasks.
Throughout Year 2, students will be given the tools, materials, and methods needed to tackle a variety of different mathematical problems. The UK curriculum stretches our students alongside our embedded White Rose approach, guiding them through levels of mathematical fluency before tackling real-life problem solving and open-ended questions which elicit reasoning. Currently the students have already engaged with 2-digit addition and subtraction problems, properties of 2D and 3D shapes, and the 2x,5x, and 10x tables. We are very excited to display our skills during our upcoming Britannica Maths Week!
Year 2 provides the foundations for answers to one of life’s key questions, “What do we need?”. The student’s infectious curiosity is catered to via deep dives into our units on Living Things and Their Habitats, Plants, and Animals Including Humans. We have been looking through the various actions, eating habits, and life cycles of multiple different creatures to truly summarise what each organism needs for survival on our amazing planet!
Topic Work
During Year 2, students will engage with an array of units that takes them on a journey through time across planet Earth. From learning about the continents and oceans, to discovering the pioneers of travel and transport from the Vikings to the Wright Brothers! We are currently digging deeper into our planet via our Extreme Earth unit whereby the students are understanding the causes of, and possible positives of - Volcanoes, Tornadoes, and Tsunamis. Year 2 Topic lessons certainly know how to shake up excitement in class!
ICT Integration
ICT has proven to be a keystone subject in supporting cross-curricular learning throughout Year 2 as the students have developed their growing digital skills in collaboration with both their creative and academic endeavours. Whether it means creating detailed digital models in Topic, designing balanced meals for Science, or refining their comprehension and Mathematical skills – Year 2 provides a solid foundation for their future digital education.
Year 2 has been a year of engagement and creativity for our students. They have made significant strides in their academic and social development, laying a strong foundation for their future learning. We look forward to celebrating their achievements and supporting their growth in the coming years!